Maintenance and troubleshooting

Hengchi provides maintenance tips for common equipment failures.

Although our motors are designed to operate efficiently, effectively, and faultlessly for over a decade, problems may still occur at times. To solve this problem, it is necessary to adopt good troubleshooting skills and reflect on the question of "what has changed and when has it changed.

  1. Bearing
  2. winding
  3. Stator rotor
  4. Casing
  5. Blade and hood
  6. noise
  7. temperature rise
  8. Vibration
Regardless of any issues with your transmission system, please call us or send an email to let us know about the relevant information

We will quickly provide you with a solution to the situation. You have invested in Hengchi Motors due to reliability. Please let us help your equipment run smoothly, reliably, and efficiently.
